Which town?

True knowledge is knowledge by identity.


In the same crucible She invited individualities from all races, all social origins and all cultures, of all ages and of all aptitudes – neither their professional qualifications nor their respective level of education would determine their admission – but their aspiration and the level of their commitment. Yet, individuals are not merely individuals: they also are conditionings, prejudices and habits, traditions and customs and world-views, expectations and fears, they also are collective pasts. Thus, one’s participation to the adventure placed each one before the possibility of a formidable progress of consciousness.


However, each one would soon learn that the race, the culture and the social context in which one is born, this time around, are not the only baggage that we each of us carry wherever we go: there is also, and perhaps more importantly, the internal load of the particular difficulty each soul must deal with and the particular and unique victory it must win – what constitutes in effect the given mission of each soul, the accomplishment of which will allow it to find its right place in the veritable hierarchy of the whole.


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