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Numerous variations on the same principle would arise over the years and the main defining curves would be called “lines of force”.


Every movement naturally calls for its opposite or dominates it.

Such is the very field of the vital action = passion, contraries, poles and duality found the entire experience of the life-force.

Even in its sublimest states, the most luminous vital implies its opposite.

It is only by and under the psychic influence that the vital being can manifest heroism and nobility.

And it is only by and through the union with the psychic being that this vital being can attain to its true nature and freedom, its infinite joy of existence.


When the vital being, through self-mastery and inner union, becomes the servant knight of the Truth, then its capacity of accomplishment becomes formidable. But until then it remains the exploiter par excellence and will make his fire from any fuel. For, if one can make use of the force, one can also misuse it = the union alone can guarantee the truth of the action.


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