Which town?
And, on the eve of the First World War, She found Him again, in this material world, He with whom the work would be accomplished.
The Two joined their efforts.
To reach, attain and unite with that Consciousness which would take over from the Mind in the evolution, to gradually bring down its Force into their own purified and offered natures, till their very own presences may begin to manifest the rudiments of a new condition of existence in Matter - such was Their task.
A growing number of individuals were grouping around Them.
These were the first murmurs of a new collective formation upon earth.
Without a respite She strove to open the hearts and thoughts to this new world, of which She was welcoming the seeds.
For more than thirty years They worked together to clear the terrain of human consciousness, to open passageways and deliver the living truth that this ambivalent humanity keeps imprisoned and to unite it with its solar source = a struggle and a battle of each second, often fierce and merciless, so as to at least neutralize all that resists and refuses light.
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