Which town?
Around the central area, four large, equal petals would open out, each containing one of the four main parts = one for the productive activities, the second for the cultural activities, the third for the residents and the fourth for the international activities, with, on the periphery, smaller petals for the services and the activities directly connected to the outside, as well as enclaves for those among the workers and employees who would wish to live there.
It was not dogmatic.
It was like a simple, adaptable structural guide.
Any person who has pondered and reflected upon the human condition and the terrestrial situation will profess to be ready to work for the manifestation of human unity or at least will affirm one’s wish and hope for its advent; therefore, the declared aims of this project could hardly provoke any sort of reasoned opposition. However the irony of this commitment is quite formidable, for unity only exists, can only exist in and by the Divine. One can have the experience of unity only if and when one is conscious of the Divine in the other, in each other, in all the others, in all that is. Thus, the adventure She proposed could only be lived in and through the discovery of the Divine – in the name of a cause to which intelligent ethical human beings could but rally, no matter how atheist or rationalist they might be.
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