Which town?

In this first prototypal site of an alternative or differently oriented society, all human activities would be represented, in the sense that there is no domain of existence that one cannot, that one must not offer to the Truth- Consciousness. But, as this attempt would be made at the service of a great change, any rigidity would have to be avoided and its organization would need to be flexible enough to adapt to a constant progress and a continuous evolution of the comprehension as of the methods and the forms.


More answers and responses, thrusts and commitments, were being expressed – expectations and hopes, echoes and reminiscences, resonances and, through the convergence of attentions, the sense of a new stage, of a passage to the next dimension of the experience, seemed to gain every day, calmly, more proximity and more evidence. It was as if a new departure was announced and many were those already who wished to be part of the journey.


He, the son of India, the great India spiritual source of humanity, who had come this time to trace the outline and invoke the presence of the supramental reality and its evolutionary principle and to show the steps required to open to it and to serve it here, in terrestrial Matter, He would be honored by the name of this town which would be dedicated to the service of human unity – India’s gesture for the future of the Earth. And, with this very name, homage would also be given to France, the first among the nations to promote universal values: it would be the town of the new dawn, this dawn which He has come to announce, He, Sri Aurobindo.


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