Which town?
remembered such times when the human being was able to communicate directly with the natural creation and environment.
Why not try and attempt to build, there, near this lake, a little town?
Other projects were taking wing in the country, for the diffusion of the methods of education She had introduced in the school of the ashram for instance, or the setting of study centers in different regions. To those businessmen who had come closer to Her She proposed to found a Society whose aim would be to demonstrate what the money-power, once put at the service of the Divine in Matter, could accomplish. Their task would be to collect and assemble the necessary funds for various projects that would all contribute to a more harmonious and durable way of progress upon earth. And, whenever opportune, this Society, of which She would be the president, could become the legal owner of such lands, assets and properties acquired for the work.
There was no question of creating another ashram or of shifting the existing one: Their ashram would continue to exist and fulfill its functions – the Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo was its centre and She would never move away. Yet this new attempt could only be made and grow with Her attention and under Her protection.
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