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Human intelligence is incapable of comprehending the movements and processes of the great Shakti. Human thought is inapt to grasp the simultaneousness of Her actions.
She never ceased to move forward but, at the same time, She protected and preserved whatever had already turned to the Truth. These three movements, of uninterrupted progression, of constant universalization and of sure and profound preservation, are inseparable and complementary. But it is only through the intervention of the Grace that the untransformed individual consciousness can have an actual glimpse of this complementarity.
While, up until the time He withdrew, in December of 1950, She could be perceived as the executrix of His vision and His will, She now had to represent Him and act out Their conjugated presence. Since He had thus become invisible and inaccessible, He worked from a contiguous space-time wherein, little by little, through His own aligned presence, He built a new milieu and a new atmosphere, while She, from this side of things, little by little, learned to find and meet Him there. A kind of permeability was developing through the union of Their two consciousnesses.
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