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In India, with the exception of the tantric yoga, the diverse yogic disciplines and practices all had as their avowed goal the liberation of the individual person – liberation from the veils of illusion and separation, from the ordeals and vicissitudes of the ignorant phenomenal existence -, and its return, or its disappearance, absorption, dissolution, fusion into the Absolute. She and He were opening a way that was almost obverse – on the foundation of the inner discovery of the individual soul, the deathless and birthless being, and aided and supported by the Truth Consciousness Force, the way of an integral transformation and progression at the service of the physical incarnation in constant becoming of the divine Person, in Matter, here upon this earth.
It is a complete reversal of the values and orientations which have ruled human lives until now a rehabilitation of the material world as the potential Home for the One, the True and the Vast. It is no longer a matter of developing the use and utilization of Matter for selfish and passing enjoyments, but to help unveil and reveal its divinity, so that all becomes the domain infinite of the One manifest.
It is thus that this new yoga, although it aims to serve the Presence of the One in all that is, can however be practiced only by those who no longer seek any benefit for themselves – neither any creature satisfaction, nor any spiritual salvation – and who are ready to offer everything to the work of transformation necessary for the coming of the new species, whatever may be the difficulties.
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