Which town?

If we no longer wish to name it, it is out of a sort of modesty or because we are not worthy of it or for fear of a confusion with yet another religion, or else in derision for so many counterfeits, pretences and spiritual ambitions observed or encountered on the way – and also, at times, in awe, or weariness before the formidable persistance of our mediocrity. For the ordinary human consciousness is at once like the opaque jar shutting us in – and protecting us from the infinite – and the leaden weight that keeps us down and immersed in the subconscient = it is for each of Her children to persevere in the offering and the aspiration. And to be together doing so, to be together learning and developing a new receptivity, like a new organ, is our privilege and our responsibility.


Divakar - 17 th of April, 2018, Auroville. (This text was originally written in French and dated 19 th of January)

Note = news of the roundabout… It is in the month of March that a beginning of harmonization has taken place = the gradient of the surrounding slope has been much reduced and the old paving has been replaced with small skidless granite flagstones in concentric rows of alternate shades of grey, a welcome improvement around a persisiting question-mark…


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