Which town?

columns, the whiteness of it all, the vertical beam of light), but will they know to explain the possible use of this arrangement, however remarkable, unique, extraordinary and impressive?


It is evident to all that the Matrimandir cannot be reserved solely to the inhabitants of Her city : a monumental work of that magnitude cannot be forbidden to the public. Moreover, its funding is independent from the community, since even the maintenance of the teams of volunteers and the salaries and wages of employees and workers have always been covered by external donations. Yet one can affirm that it is indeed the community of participants in Her adventure that has birthed it, during long intense years of ordeals and vicissitudes, as it is the community that holds its living and lasting secret, without which this monument would be that alone, one more monument. And so, which is the part of this secret that concerns everyone, all human beings, beginning with the inhabitants and citizens of Mother India?


R.’s obstinacy in realizing this rigorist and formalist esthetic, this perfection of the image, has perhaps widened and deepened the misundertsanding as regards the function of this temple.

And, by association, that of this city in becoming.


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