Which town?

If we can measure the speed of a mass, and then of an electrical charge, of a sound-wave and then of a light-wave, and then of a mind-wave or thought-wave, we are yet unable to accept, admit and recognize that these are only divers modes of the One Consciousness.

Therefore, who can affirm that a fraction of the entire human mass can make no difference to the condition of its whole?


In the ordinary life, we all know that a number of states such as anger, fear, ill-temper, as well as enthusiasm, laughter or impatience, can communicate directly, that is, without any intention, words or deliberate gestures, just as certain so-called contagious diseases can.

And it is not infrequent to observe that one is catching someone else’s thoughts.

We also sometimes happen to witness a sudden and spontaneous phenomenon of sudden propagation in a crowd – of indignation, of refusal and protest or of loud support and approval. The scientific method has also allowed us to observe that, within a single living species for instance, and notwithstanding physical distances, a simple series of gestures constituting a new know-how, communicates or is learnt faster and faster and with more ease as it is practiced. And contemporary advances in such complementary domains as informatics and nanotechnology keep multiplying the capabilities of our external means of communication. It is now certain that a new perception, a new comprehension and a new practice can communicate directly – either instantly or through successive thresholds of passage and transmission -, or indirectly, but faster and faster, with the help of external means.


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