Which town?


We were, in the ending of that year 1950, about two and a half billions of human beings. When, 18 years later, She launched Her flame of progress in the earth- atmosphere, we would be three and a half billions.

And still fifty years later, we are approaching the 8 billions.

Can the progressive creation of a minuscule agglomeration of a few thousands aspirants, however consecrated and dedicated they may be, have an effect, a weight, an action on the destiny of the Earth and the human species?


But we appreciate and assess the action of consciousness only through our experience and comprehension of those instruments it has been able to develop so far in the material universe, these relative instruments that allow us to exist as physical individual creatures – the physical forces, the vital forces and the mental forces. Today’ science, with its more and more precise and perfected observation of the behavior of Matter – its forms, its components, its movements -, must honestly confess to an infinite and dizzying mystery. For, if Matter is indeed Energy, is not Energy, or does Energy not prove to be, conscious?

But then, to what consciousness is this referring to and does this consciousness have “intentions”, “aims”, “motivations”, does it know joy?


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