Which town?


Among the units – varied enterprises – that were created and blossomed at the service of Her city, several were already dedicated to construction, whether for community projects or for outside clients – their profits then accruing to the Central Fund – and one of those units took charge of the larger works, the fabrication of the panels for the shell and the construction of the twelve petals, bringing on site a sizeable labor force and its own methods of management and supervision, that had nevertheless to be harmonized with the rest. All of these factors combined in a single venture of materialization composed a situation the complexity of which was often disconcerting, for one had to administer this ensemble in a manner at once coherent and acceptable to the Government, while preserving the community’s autonomy of decision. Clashes, incomprehension, misunderstandings, slips of weakness and individual shortcomings, each one proceeded as on a minefield where almost diverging approaches were pursued.


R., as he took back the reins, somewhat made more relative, that were handed to him, had already shown impatience at the presence of tall trees on the edge of the Amphitheater; little by little his intention to return to a pared down visual concept of the central temple’ architecture became clear. One of the earlier versions of the Galaxy, instead of a vast parkland surrounding the Oval from the other side of a meandering water-body, figured a large lake, so that nothing would obstruct the view of the Symbol.


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