Which town?

This symbol of the emergence of a victorious perfection is striking and resounding = the evolutionary triumph of the solar Truth involved in Matter and the inconscient – who could object? However, in Her work of consciousness, had She not many a time described the nature of the new being – its perfect equality of response, its universality, its total absence of egoism, its capacity for constant becoming at the pace of manifestation : a sort of invisibility for the ordinary human eye? Had She not many a time encouraged Her children and disciples to turn to a receptive neutrality, a movement of humility more and more integral, of the entire being, of the whole body, of all the cells, so as to open to That which is to manifest? Are we then already transformed, that we must clamor it so high and loud, instead of proposing a concentration of the whole being in the Consciousness-Force which alone can change us and lead the world out of its hurtful chaos towards the harmony of unity?


And so, of course, the alternate model which P. had let himself be persuaded to also present, too late and without a prior study of its environment, appeared lunar and insipid – a sphere gleaming with hundreds of white triangular facets. What was a call to, or a reminder of simplicity as a keynote, was easily ridiculed by the popular fervor – for the first time in the history of this collective assembly, a vote with raised hands was called to carry off the decision of the community. A profound incomprehension, an almost central misunderstanding, thus seemed to set in for the years to follow.


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