Which town?

given us to live and to progress – these energies that come from where? -, the right relation with all these opinions and positions that ceaselessly contradict, judge and infirm one another? Yes, all still aspired to walk forward together and together discover the way of a useful future for the earth, but the understandings of, precisely, how we were going to ensure this togetherness were, as to old habits, returning to divergent postures and to polarities. The number of participants now neared the first thousand : how to get everyone to agree? Was it not better to simply go ahead, take the initiative and then explain and reassure? Had She not left enough pointers and guidelines, for the economy, for the physical reality of the city, for the relations with the outside world, for the researches, for the education? Was it really necessary to discuss and examine everything and let everyone approve or block, help or brake? If one had to wait for everyone to reach sufficient maturity to weigh and measure each decision, would not that be a perpetual waiting, bound for inertia and mediocrity?



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