Which town?

perspectives, the singularity of each instant and the substance of the cover itself and its capacity of response to the fluctuating harmonies of time, light and weather. Thus, why not cover and smoothen the entire sphere with a continuous mosaic of oxidized ceramic – the tints and tones of the trees, the ocean, the sky and sunrise – which would respond at every moment to the ambient harmonies? Yet another approach held the triangular facets the present stage of the construction offered to the eye as key-elements of the language of the sphere which must be elegantly strengthened by the constant and tranquil luminosity of their material – this approach pleaded for the use of white marble panels.


The partisans of the gold discs hailed a more glorious urge and thrust towards the future, an expression they considered as more radical, more engaged, more coherent and more compatible with the referential images of this new creation = a victorious emergence of a solar consciousness in Matter itself, expressing in flexible and innovative materials – modifiable and perfectible. And there was the question of the degree of clarity within the sphere, a luminosity which She had, according to R.’s notes, depicted as salmon tinted, a rosy orange tone found in the hibiscus flower She had chosen for Her city, and which would have to be obtained by filtering the daylight entering between the discs through a translucent membrane of that same tone.



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