Which town?
Many were those who, outside and even in the ashram, feared that Her city was now condemned to become an institution soulless and voided of creative power, as had occurred elsewhere in the country upon the demise of a guide or of a great original figure of human progress : the Government would take control so as to safeguard the legacy and, under its stifling weight, the live forces would escape, or succumbed to its normative pressure. For germane reasons, the donors who had so far contributed to the construction of the Matrimandir, faithful associates who operated in the world, became hesitant : to whom, to what would one have to give now, and at what risks? The central Government of India sits in the administrative capital of the country, elected as such under the British rule, which is situated at the very North in a region culturally and linguistically very different, and the relations between North and South had for long been and remained strained and beset with reductive judgments. The possibility of being treated as inferiors, with scorn or condescension, was not imaginary. The villagers were not enthusiastic either.
For Her city’s very own vitality to continue to grow and initiate, create, advance and develop, there was need to identify and activate such organs and processes as would ensure sufficient autonomy to each part of the collective body.
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