Which town?
All of these elements of a potential creative unity must each turn to the highest truth and surrender to its transformative action – whatever the individual preferences, convictions and baggage. But, instead of this offering, the ones as the others had all yielded to the more familiar appeal of conflict and exclusion, preferring the intensity of that fall to a far too demanding change of consciousness. It thus happens that one clings to the identity procured by devotion, revolt, or outrage and refuses the discovery of a condition free of all ego – the very condition to which She was inviting Her children.
For we were entering a paradoxical stage: a collective venture aspiring to serve the divine in the material world would, from then on depend primarily and actually for its survival, its protection and its right to exist, on the heaviest enginery of a human society, that of a sovereign State. And the most determining influence in convincing the existing community of the imperative necessity of this very alliance was that of S., the rebel par excellence: it was him who, through the intermediary of his followers and adherents, was able to obtain acceptance for the intervention and lasting role of the Indian Government in the affairs of Her city, affirming that its function would essentially be that of an protective elder brother.
Today, on the eve of the jubilee of the whole venture and the announced visit of the Prime Minister of India, with its spectacular security demands and implications, we hasten to level and widen our roads and perhaps our
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