Which town?


In the absence of any orthodox hierarchy, how was the power to decide and to act distributed? How were all to agree on choices and orientations, on priorities, on the utilization of means, money, and assets, or on the admission of new arrivals? How would one ensure good management of the lands, of the resources, of the relations with the outside world? What was the role of personal charisma, of persuasion, of the ability to communicate? To whom or to what was one to attribute responsibilities, who were to be the respondents, what would be the constituents of a collective discipline? How would one ensure that no member of this community indulge in any excess, nor cheat, betray, abuse or compromise the realization of the ideal? Where were located the sources of influence?


Everyone, or almost everyone in this space still wild, shared the same aspiration – and the same refusal of any arbitrary or imposed authority. One would therefore have to work out a code of conduct and an organization to which all would freely adhere: the Charter constituted the


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