Which town?
receiving its manna, at least those among them who were proficient in the French language. Thus he hoped and intended to realize the integral translation in the English language at the earliest, first for its diffusion within India, and then in the USA and all other English-speaking countries.
Teams formed up, some of them within Her town.
At Her feet, S. had attended and witnessed the successive phases of the conception, foundation and birth of this adventure and been able to grasp its evolutionary role in the work and action of the Truth-Consciousness – of which Her Agenda was ample testimony. And frequently one would turn to him as to a channel or intermediary, and also as one more advanced upon the difficult, unknown path of this yoga of the earth. He did not wish to take on the role of a guide – She had cautioned him against it and it was not his job. But he held this enterprise close to his heart and prayed as he could for it to progress in the right direction. Yet the obstacles and antagonisms he had encountered in relation to Her Agenda had roused him against a certain family of attitudes which he deemed to be contrary to the truth of tomorrow. It was then that he authorized himself to make use of this immense vessel to convey his own partial judgments, interpretations and assessments in the form of added commentaries or footnotes, thus reckoning to indicate – to flush out – the adversary, that is, all that profits by and takes advantage of the Presence incarnate without self-giving.
India is fond of tales and myths wherein human beings, gods and demons mingle their actions – and the fruits thereof -, each episode and every one of its versions illustrating some ethical point or, more profoundly, the
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