Which town?


As if inexorably, the diverging approaches mutated into positions, which became entrenched and inimical.

Camps formed.

It was like a bad contagion: the unchanged human nature recovering its rights, ancient quarrels, ambitions long suppressed, tendencies that had been pushed away, resurfaced from all sides – and many a useless wound were thus inflicted in the name of Truth, each one legitimizing one’s position in the battle.

Everyone stumbled and fell.

The whole offering of collective receptivity She had worked to build now seemed in jeopardy. For, as long as each one had turned to Her, referred to Her, striven to serve Her, the miracle was possible at every moment; but when the ones as the others looked each other down, judged and rejected one another, how could harmony prevail and remain active?


And yet, in each participant, the aspiration and the need to become more conscious, to grow in truth, to progress, to follow Her, to become able to serve, to contribute the best of oneself to the collective necessity – all these little flames of nothing much survived and persisted: everyone loved this adventure, this vast virgin expanse vibrant with promise and kept on trusting that a way would be revealed out of this mire and this human parody.


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