Which town?
There was already, besides, here or there, some amount of questioning of the supremacy of an unchangeable, rigid plan of the city, which seemed to deliberately ignore the physical realities of the terrain, of the water courses, and of the neighboring villages; this interrogation or inquiry sometimes gave rise to a kind or resentful sarcasm towards those who officiated in the shade, cut off from the hard working life on the ground. It also seemed evident that She, once informed, would surely have modified or even abandoned certain elements of that plan, in favor of a harmonious adaptation to the physical reality of the concerned area, even while, on other, more essential points, She would never have accepted, had She been asked, any alteration. And yet R. would tolerate no other approach to the plan of the future town, even while he felt justified and authorized to do away with major elements of Her instructions, while claiming to have Her consent. The fact that it had been to S. Her scribe and writer, that She had for the first time described what She had seen of the inner chamber of the Matrimandir, the day after Her experience, was known. Yet the actual transcript of this conversation had not been shared – neither with PC. nor with the workers. S. then acceded to the general request and circulated the entire transcription of the initial conversation, as well as that of the following one which had been attended by P. Everyone could thus observe how the successive modifications and decorative elements introduced by R. in the architectural concept of the temple had for long alienated the project from its primary aim – that of manifesting exactly what She had seen and noted -, until the necessities of *
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