Which town?
concrete, once well understood and well treated, could accomplish marvels – and that of the Matrimandir, sheltering the dodecagonal volume of its inner chamber, owns a richness and a plenitude of significance beyond compare. The mere privilege of participating to it, in any manner whatsoever, inspired humble gratitude. Likewise, near and with the trees, I learned from N. to perceive and discern the essential character and natural thrust of each individual tree, its potentials and vulnerabilities, its force of growth, its endurance and its royalty = to grasp and sense the innate architecture of a single tree and to accompany it in its development, discovering thus the culture of a collaboration between man and nature for the creation of an ideal environment, this too partook of an evidence one simply had to learn and listen to. To orient ourselves together in this fashion, towards a living complementarity of what is built and what grows, what is conceived and what is received, as one single continuous milieu of progress and conscious adventure = there was the way of this town that was increasingly absorbing us all.
H., the painter disciple, who had noted down the first descriptions She had given of this ideal park, had become alarmed in the eight years already passed by the lapses and alterations at first, followed by the radical changes which R. had gradually introduced and imposed, affirming that he held, in that regard, Her full consent and approval. But now that She could no longer be asked to negate or validate any say, H. deemed it necessary to publicly share these notes – which had been reviewed and approved by Her -, so as to support and legitimize her own
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