Which town?
On the lands of Her town, as She had promised, there was enough to usefully occupy everyone. The number of centers of activity was increasing, whether in the larger settlements, or in the farms, the growing forests, the workshops and the first collective services.’ It was in its centre, around Her temple, that the energy of intensive physical work was most tangible, in part because a large proportion of the workers were local people from the neighboring villages who joined every day the different sites, contributing their physical resilience, gracefulness and alert goodwill to the common atmosphere.
However, while PC. and R. were somehow managing to agree on structural solutions for the completion of the framework of the sphere so as to allow the engineers to do their work and their complex calculations, certain chasms were appearing between the different protagonists, each one claiming a direct reference to Her authority.
All crusades do begin in the name of truth.
Some temperaments in our humanity are inclined to controversy, others to evasion, some to confrontation, others to abstention; some will go to the end of what they believe in, ready to sacrifice all, others will try and mitigate or accommodate and still others yet will shift away from any conflict rather than taking position or, dejected at not being acknowledged for their capacity as leaders and guides, will make to leave - hoping to be recalled. Rare were those who were not carried along and away, remaining free from opportunistic influences.
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