Which town?

intimidate, convince, subjugate, impose, demolish or prove – and, at times, occasionally, to pacify, nourish, illumine. The years that followed were haunted with such quarrels and their victims, till no one would want any more to refer to such indications, other than in the confidence and safety of private relationships.


Wise to his own responsibility in the general harmony, R. requested N, to whom She had given the charge of the first nursery and the first plantations, to create a wide belt of trees all around the central area, thus opening the possibility of a complementarity and a balance viable and capable of perfecting in time and space. These were the first outlines of those Outer Gardens to which innumerable arms and hearts and aspirations contributed until, more than twenty years later, R. sought to erase it all, so as to recover the full impact of his monumental perspective.


While the first organs of a collective life were forming – the first dairies, the first garages, the first bakeries, the first communal kitchens, the first distribution center, the first organized transports, the planting of the first forests, the first pumps, the first workshops, the first leveled roads, the first schools (which She named “the last”) and the first kindergartens, the first dispensaries, the first research centers, the first printing press, the first sports grounds, the first factories – She was little by little withdrawing into silence.


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