Which town?

She wanted that everyone should now learn to receive in silence, without words, the right inspiration – but here and there around Her, confusion was on the prowl. She wanted that all the inhabitants of Her town should engage themselves concretely and, through work, learn to offer the energies to the change and to receive the Force – but how many small resistances and little lies were thwarting and obstructing the circulation of this great Harmony!


For Their ashram, all the steps of its growth from the beginnings in two rented houses sheltering a handful of disciples to this day of 1973, had been organic, that is, there had been no planning of any sort but a development dictated by the dynamics of the actual needs; She considered that all intrusion of mental methods interfered with the needed receptivity to the Truth-Consciousness and generated at once confusion and rigidity. The only real creative freedom could only find expression when one remained united with the higher inspiration in every circumstance and at every moment.


If we sometimes happen to perceive a true movement, or how true consciousness moves, we cannot yet abstain from taking mental note of it and interpreting it so as to set it in a rule of conduct, if not in a doctrine. “She has said”, “He has written” – thus does one make use of the Masters’ words, to debate, argue and confront, to justify, to accuse, to obtain, to


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