Which town?
The old body and the new one.
Every day, every hour, every minute, She struggled more.
Something was occurring that was incommunicable, an indefinable simultaneity: Her old body was well worn-out and could hardly eat or move, hear or see and, at the same time, the consciousness itself of this very body was developing constantly through another, new experience. Alone those moments She could spend with Her attentive scribe allowed Her to formulate glimpses and glimmers of this new physical State. All the rest – our ordinary physical condition, the reality such as we apprehend it through our present constitution – seemed like a veil, a false position of the consciousness, a deformation which was not as yet yielding room to this true physical that was preparing.
On the territory of Her town and particularly in the vicinity of Her temple other activities were initiated, to which She gave Her blessings. For She wished to encourage the participation and contributions of all energies that were offering to collaborate towards the future, taking forward all that from the past remains eternally true. Thus, within the same exact period of time, the workers of Her impossible site were presented with the most contradictory indications, like an incomprehensible secret which would become liberating only through the growth of the true consciousness in all.
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