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invoked, and dispense to each and all Her smile, Her gaze and Het blessings. In 1972, a few volunteer workers at the Matrimandir, of Indian origin, had wished to place one photograph of Her in a selected spot on the site, so as to invoke the presence of Durga according to the tradition.
Learning of it, She smiled.
She uttered no word.
However, other persons wanted then to verify or confirm the expected orientation and attitude: had She not made it clear that all religiosity was to be expurgated from this temple of the Mother?
Of course, yes, indeed, She had given such indication.
But it is so natural to some to express their sense of the divine presence by a simple, unpretentious devotion, while it is so very difficult, if not impossible, for enlightened intelligences to even accept the notion of the divine – where to trace the boundary, how to demarcate between what is authentic and what pretends, imitates or takes cover behind an apparent piety?
Her blessings, to each and to all, were always, constantly and invariably, for the reign of the Divine and the True, in each and all. And yet, once received, the temptation was great to use them to legitimize or justify one’s actions or positions and to claim the backing and support of Her uncontested authority. This harmful misappropriation continues to undermine and vitiate the collective atmosphere.
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