Which town?
placed and replaced in the designated areas corresponding to the twelve qualities She had named. She would give him Her blessings and refer any proposal to his consideration.
What must one understand?
All this work, all this dream and aspiration for the terrestrial Nature to be represented all around Her temple of Truth would only bear a dozen of large pots artistically placed?
What was the secret of the enigma?
To all offered élan and impetus toward the new world in Matter, She gave Her full consent and support: there was no money, no materials, and the obstacles appeared insurmountable, but if a few declared themselves ready to walk together, She would encourage them – and circumstances eventually arranged themselves.
Governed by the Mind, our ordinary state of consciousness is fragmented: if and when we grasp an aspect of the Truth and wish to actively serve it, we believe we must attach ourselves to it, we make of it a cause and a personal affair.
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