Which town?

It is the Mind, of course, that sees this OR that, that wants this BUT NOT that, while She was saying with all Her Force, it is this AND that AND that too AND also that, side by side and together: the time of being exclusive is over, the time of the ego has passed. It was not that one viewpoint or one truth must dominate, subjugate or regulate the others, it was not that the ground must be yielded to the most convincing, intimidating or self-assured, but that each truth must find its right place and complementarity with the others and that all these truths, together, must serve the True towards an ever vaster and more integral harmony and a progressive perfection. Thus, the collaboration She was asking for was of another order and stood at another level: it was a birth out of the ego and a recognition of the other within the True.

Collaborate = work together, work in concert.


And today we are still poor apprentices.

Our incapacity to assimilate and integrate this movement of consciousness in our beings – individual and collective – cripples us and we must rely on all sorts of diversions in order for these still separate, diverging or conflicting truths to somehow coexist without too much pain but also without real discovery.


To the workers and builders of Her temple, She had to insist once again:


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