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In each of those who opened to Her, Her Force would work to encourage sincerity, dissolve shadows, strengthen discernment and establish peace and equality.
It is often the vital being in oneself that is most recalcitrant to the pressure of the Consciousness-Force, most reticent to give itself and rebels the most against the higher harmony which it feels as a threat to its independence and its “rights” of expression. Those whom She had entrusted with the tasks of organizer or coordinator had a hard time figuring it out and She no longer had enough physical time to listen to each complaint and grievance; moreover, none of these intermediaries had as yet developed this vast neutrality without which one remains condemned to errors of judgment or interpretation.
Came the day of Sri Aurobindo’s Centenary, He the Messenger – the day also of the 25 th anniversary of India’s Independence: She appeared on Her balcony, which had been clothed with a hanging depicting lions and flowers. The pillars of Her temple were not yet complete. On that morning all Her workers had gathered in silence and She had written them: “Let peace and good-will be with all.”
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