Which town?
In Her body, which seemed to be shrinking every day, the presence of the new Consciousness was increasing its puissance and all distances were dissolving in an unknown state wherein all was constantly integrating – a perception of unity and truth which saw the world at once as human beings see it and as it truly is and will become in the experience of the new race, of the new being. This Force was becoming more imperative and the necessity to melt and purify, to clear and cleanse the milieu of the individual and collective progress was growing and pressing. She saw that Her help and protection were only effective in proportion with the sincerity of the apprentices.
Many were those among the revolted and adventurers of the western or urban societies who had taken recourse to different “drugs” – smoking or ingesting marijuana, hashish or opium principally – so as to free themselves from the weight and hold of their conditionings and to apprehend new terms of self-expression and new modes of relationships. But when one approached a more intensive and rigorous work of consciousness, it became indispensable to cultivate an inner discernment entirely free of all influences and illusions and offered to Truth: the use of these substances became then a source of mélange that weighed on the atmosphere and jeopardized one’s commitment. And while, from the individual point of view, each itinerary was unique and could only be appreciated through direct identification (Her personal
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