Which town?

The situation of India was, once again, in suspense: the war for the liberation of Bangla Desh had to be placed under a higher control so as to avoid consequences too disastrous. The falsehood of Partition would perhaps be somewhat mitigated, but this partial release would not resolve the error of that division: how to ally all the forces at the service of the great India, the great Shakti for whom the two of Them had worked so strenuously? In the Indian army served beings who were upright and devoted, with whom She could invisibly act. But if, somewhere upon this earth, and particularly in India, a government declared itself at the service of Truth, then the whole world would be uplifted!


Let the people of Her town awaken to the sense of the Unity of all, in the concrete, direct and permanent sense of the actual unity of all that is, and Their efforts would bear fruit, innumerably and everywhere!

She indicated to a disciple how to draw the symbol of Her town.


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