Which town?
Wherever such a possibility presented itself She sent and missioned those whom this flame inhabited.
Indeed, the Mother’s room, up there in the ashram, was never any retreat: from it She worked in the worlds, second by second. And from the first hour of each day until late in the evening She received there one or the other, the ones and the others – to illumine, to pour Her solicitude, to establish the contact, to give “a bath of the Lord”. She so much wanted for the world to awaken and collaborate to His work, for all efforts to progress to be real and substantial and for this town and this adventure, however local they may be, to be truly dedicated to Him. All of His writings would be assembled in a single collection of about 20 volumes – His thousands of detailed answers, His essays of infallible clarity, its peerless and unequalled poetry: the fully thought out and prophetic fundaments of the entire adventure of transition to the new era, the ore, infinitely rich, that would also sustain and nourish the progress of Her town, if all would draw from it. And drawing nearer was the year of His centenary, 1972.
The reinforced concrete structure of the Matrimandir, an ovoid sphere reminding of the tantric egg of the original creation, more than 29 meters in its vertical axis and 36 meters in diameter at its equator, would require very
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