Which town?


The matter of the ego and the matter of desire.

What must one do with desire? And with ego?

Abdicate, master it, surpass it?

Emerge beyond it, be free of it for good?


She did not wish to erect any rules as She had done for the ashram, She wanted nothing approaching moral principles, but She asked for an actual, real progress and She would remind all, from time to time, that the apprentices of the new world could only shine once they would have conquered the element of desire. And that the so-called freedom to do whatever one wants, whatever one feels like doing, without any constraint or restriction, is nothing but slavery to the rule of desire and of the illusory existence of the separate ego. Freedom, true freedom can reign only when one depends on the Divine and nothing else, for everything and at every moment; when there is no longer any minuscule ā€œIā€ to want things as it pleases and separately; it is when one finds joy and well-being in the abandonment of all arbitrary separateness. Evidently, for this to be possible, the experience of the Divine must be concrete and tangible ā€“ and thereby one was returned to the first necessity, that of having first made the inner discovery; for only then did the service of Truth become a living practice, constantly progressive.


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