Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Easy Applications of the Principles in Part III

shift your hunger habit by eating larger meals during the day. After a few days, your body will fall into the habit of being hun- grier in the morning and afternoon, and less so at night. It will come to expect that the majority of the food you eat is eaten dur- ing the day, and because it expects the main meal to be in the morning or afternoon, it actually gets hungrier at those times. The way to start changing your hunger habits is to make an effort to eat a large breakfast with lots of protein, live food, and omega-3s. In doing so, you will have gotten all of the essential nutrients that you need in an uncorrupted and highly digestible form. Therefore, first thing in the morning, you have already given your body everything it needs. This means you will no longer be perpetually starving for nutrients. Have lots of “real” food snacks in the afternoons. Over time, as you find that you are getting hungrier in the mornings and afternoons, and less so at night, make it a point to eat smaller, lighter, healthier, and earlier dinners. The key is to eat a lot of food during the day and to drink a lot of water at night, which will help banish hunger pangs. After dinner, drink a glass of water every hour or so. In this way, you’ll start shifting your hunger habits. Then you’ll be eat- ing all you want and as much as you want, and you’ll be losing weight instead of gaining. Conscious Eating When the FAT Programs are on, your body reacts as if it’s a time of famine. This causes you to eat each meal as if you may not see food again for days or weeks. That’s why fat people often eat so fast and furiously. I can tell you that I have never seen anyone eats as quickly and as ferociously as I used to eat when my body wanted to be fat. I ate each meal as if I had not seen food in a month. When you eat leisurely, you are sending a message to your body that “food is abundant, it is not a time of famine, and there is no need to hurry or overeat.” Also, it takes about twenty minutes for your brain to get the message your stomach is full. In those twenty minutes, you can pack into your stomach twice as much food as you would


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