Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Easy Applications of the Principles in Part III

little while after eating a big meal with lots of dead carbs. You end up eating again, not because you need more calories, but simply because you can’t keep your blood sugar levels up. Protein, live food, and omega-3s keep your blood sugar lev- els stable for long periods of time, so you don’t get wild blood sugar fluctuations and unnecessary sugar cravings. They also help your body start to become more sensitive to insulin, and this causes your insulin levels to come back down to normal. Lots of great things happen when your insulin levels nor- malize. You regain the ability to burn fat efficiently AND you maintain the ability to keep your blood sugar levels stable. As a result, you have more energy and fewer junk food cravings, and you start living off of your fat reserves instead of having to make the junk food industry endlessly richer. It’s a win/win scenario. So always ask yourself in every meal: Where’s the protein, where’s the live food, and where are the omega-3s? Remember that the focus is always on adding. Adding, adding, adding. Even if you’re eating junk and especially if your eating dead carbs, add foods that have these things, and they will help pre- vent the blood sugar peaks and troughs. In addition to including live foods, protein, and omega-3s, I would also try to incorporate the other eating and drinking sug- gestions found at the end of each chapter in this section, such as taking omega-3 capsules, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. Fermented foods are also typically very good for you, such as miso, tempeh, tamari, and brewer’s yeast. And don’t forget to drink plenty of pure water—preferably natural, nongaseous spring water. Super Delicious, Super Nutritious On my website you’ll find lots of Super Nutritious, Super Deli- cious recipes. The idea is that I can take virtually any recipe, replace dead/toxic ingredients with superhealthy ingredients, and make it taste just as good—if not better—than the original. Just go to


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