The discernment and the guide
How is it that nowhere in the world of today a leader has appeared who could be unconditionally trusted? Should not such an appearance be the natural result or outcome of the evolution of the collective consciousness?
Are the appalling scenes, the monstrous behaviors, the destructive insanity, the pampered idiocy we see all over the earth a reminder that progress is not linear, but moves in a developing spiral that includes ever more possibilities in its churning hold?
There seems to be a dearth of the most humane intelligence in most, if not all of the present leaders and public figures supposedly representing the people and acting on their behalf for the sake of the common good: indeed is it not a matter of simple humane intelligence to seek other, more wholesome avenues for the self-expression of a worthy civilization in this material realm, more harmonious ways and means of conscious growth than the disruptive and degrading exploitations that are still current? Perhaps there are a few isolated examples of governing bodies sustaining actual concerns for living and progressive harmony – harmony between the peoples, harmony with Nature, harmony with Self -, such as the Bhutanese government or the government in exile of the Tibetan people, or to some extent the governments of Costa Rica or Iceland.
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