The discernment and the guide
The Shakti
I happen to have been one of the few thousands who have experienced the concrete reality of a true leader to the future of humankind.
She was here, the Shakti, present and visible and accessible.
To be in Her atmosphere was to be bathed in a sea of conscious Energy.
Day and night, at every instant, one was held in puissant peace, constantly nourished and presented to the Force and Light of conscious progress, of conscious growth and discovery.
There was no inertia whatsoever, no imposition of any sort either.
There was no morality, no judgment, no dogma and no rules, but a great, invincible, continuous, irresistible, piercing demand for truth and sincerity and genuine openness to the Force. There was an immensity of unconditional love, of self-giving, the revelation of a supreme solidarity. There was, whatever the obstacles and contradictions, the unalterable sweetness of a smile that can dissolve all shadows and protect the new birth from all possible ill-will. And right in the centre of this manifestation She was working at the new advent in the very substance of this living material world, in the very existence of the cells of the body, so that this humanity may find the passage to the new race upon this earth. She was accepting to be identified with an ageing body so as to cleave the way for the new world, here itself. She would use simple words, charged with knowing and conscious, ever- moving experience, She would gaze with unflinching surrender at
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