The discernment and the guide
Today as this is being written most of us humans upon earth are experiencing the same crisis: we are all fed the same mix of information, misinformation and disinformation around the same phantom threat and having to face the same losses and questions.
This situation is entirely unprecedented.
And so is the evolutionary opportunity it offers us.
These are critical times.
And these are times of emancipation.
When governments, scientists, media, dignitaries and representatives of all hues, are lying to the people they had vouched to serve, thereby creating an atmosphere of numbing confusion and fear, it is for each person to find the resolve and courage to stand for the rightness of being.
This is the step the universe is asking us to take, there is no other option.
Each orientation and commitment generates its own original dynamics.
To serve the truth of this world, to stand for it and its progressive future, is our sacred duty.
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