The discernment and the guide

Let us act

There are instances when truth demands to be silent – when its utterance or revelation may cause more harm than good: the silence then must be strong.

Not ever to say, think or subscribe in any way to, what one knows to be a lie, must be a law unto itself.

The present times more than ever demand from each of us to develop the strength not to support or entertain any lie, any untruth, any biased or motivated interpretation or alteration of the truth in any domain or form.

Our commitment to this service can have and will have a tremendous effect on our collective atmosphere.


The choice is ours.

Either we let this human earthly life become so regimented, calibrated and formatted that no soul will wish to join it any more, or we wake up to the need and reclaim the grounds for the true adventure of conscious evolution in unity and solidarity with the whole of earth-nature and every atom of the universes. When any of us chooses to be true, to serve the true, it has immediate and far-reaching effects; when each of us does, can we imagine those effects?


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