Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh
* 2-77
Sri Ganesh, In the harmonious density of Your figure, Ensconced in the truth and beauty Of Nature, You seem to manifest The plenitude of unity, The great cohesion of its Integrating power – Sheltered under the singing canopy, Descended from Her white Diamond light, Gathering to your flanks The offerings, You amble along and gently give The blessings... Aum (08-11-09)
* 2-78
Today, Sri Ganesh, you appear Barely distinct from the Shakti, Vast and rich and majestic and vibrant With the deepest sweetness
In a great, calm dance Of profound affirmation And yet it is you, Her loving and loyal Son, Celebrating her Will In all creation For Truth and Delight, And in the harmonious density Of your steps You allow for Her Blessings To ring and flow Towards all... Aum
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