Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh
Our human nature, filled with contradictions, occupied by all conflicting forces and repository of all past losses and gains, must be offered to the change of consciousness and the advent of the new evolutionary stage, named “Supramental” by Sri Aurobindo: a Principle of unity and oneness in egoless diversity that is to take the lead and replace the Mind at the helm. It is in the light of this advent that one learnt to relate to the continued presences of such beings as Krishna, Durga, Shiva, Ram and Hanuman, Vishnu and Garuda, and, especially relevant to the first necessary integration of our nature around its true psychic center, the main forces and aspects of the great Shakti – Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi, Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. For, without the Mother’s Force and Grace, this transformation of our nature is not possible. Lord Ganesha has a very distinct and incomparable position in this holy tribe of great beings in many respects and his popularity amidst all classes and castes and milieus is unequalled. It is possible to approach Lord Ganesha and to come into contact with his presence from many sides and at many levels, or depths and widths of experience; for instance, while he is said to be one with the Origin, to be Aum itself, the primary creative sound that reverberates eternally through all universes, he is also said to be the Shakti’s very own creation from Her own substance, Her Guardian and, by extension, Her representative and the bearer of Her Riches. Perhaps due to his versatility and to his unexpected and unlikely but successful harmonization of all the existing reigns in one single proportionate figure, it is said as well that all the gods once upon a time agreed to nominate him as their common ambassador and the first of them all to be addressed and worshipped. One may ponder and puzzle endlessly over the question of who is creating who: while it is generally understood that gods are eternal in their own plane and enjoy an ease of being that can only be dreamt of by the struggling and striving mortal human beings, if one glances through the records of the past twenty centuries or so, one finds a progression or a journeying of each of these gods through the anecdotes relating to each of them and meant to convey their wisdom and power to our needy condition, as well as through the successive changes of status and position in the general order of things, one is faced with the fact of an inextricably consequential relationship * *
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