Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

It is not just marriage But all natures of mutual Self-giving and recognition, Regardless of illusory limitations – And in this way too You are truly

Universal. (16-03-09)


Here I daily offer puja to an image, a stone figure. Through the one-pointed intensity, harmony and beauty of the offering, one goes beyond the sole image, opens to the meanings thus evoked and invoked – and this becomes the expression of the presence one seeks to contact, a presence that is sometimes only hoped for, or guessed, or dimly, vaguely discerned or, at other times, distinctly felt and experienced and even seen. And in this Presence is both Being and Power. And so, what is it really that one addresses?



It need be the One. It must be the One. Through whatever aspect The One chooses, Or without aspect – Aum Namo Bhagavate – The Will For Truth and Delight Manifest, The Will for A growing continuum Of Consciousness, Being And Joy, The Will for This ever self-creating Embrace and expansion, Discovery And finding And seeking anew…


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