Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

That express and convey Your care and the myriad Processes Of Creation – And your attendants, In their finery, Ride alongside, Proclaiming to all The Sacred Integrity = For you know well, Sri Ganesh, How the world is hostage To destructive ignorance And self-serving arrogance – And so you ride your mount, Lovely and free And Gentle... Who can understand...? (15-08-12)

* 11-46

Deep in the Cave You sit, Sri Ganesh, Like a flame,

A generous Mystery – And among your gifts As one approaches

Are courage and endurance, The purity of perseverance And the joy born of trust – And yet you are Deep in the cave, For the world is not ready To accept Those gifts of yours, Nor to surrender To the truth of harmony – To see you thus,


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