Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

Red and white, Red and white Is your army, Gold and green Is its flame Within – Thus you move, Circling And circling, The Preserver and Guardian Of Her Harmony, Till the time all creatures Learn to taste the nectar Of Oneness. (28-04-09) Sri Ganesh, Again today you appear As a great Symphony, A rich sweep of moving sound, Ample and deep, A liquid flowing organ Carried on fiery, rhythmic wind And yet tranquil, Sure, * 11-22

Integral… (04-05-09)

* 11-23

Sri Ganesh, Complete and truly Compassionate, You hold out

The rod, the scepter and the staff Of friendship, love and delight – Rising like a flame of coral From the sea of Her White Light, For a beat of Time


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