Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh

To save the earth, At the feet Of the Mother. Aum Namo Bhagavate (20-09-08)


In some ways I was from the beginning of this journey with Sri Ganesh actually invoking and turning to a Being and a Consciousness that would belong to and originate from the Supramental, or in Sri Aurobindo’s vocabulary from the Supermind rather than from the Overmind which is the domain of the gods – from the other hemisphere, from beyond the boundary of the present manifestation. Ever since what Mother has termed the first descent of the Supramental on the 29 th of February, 1956, various individuals, mostly around Her in the Ashram, have tried and invoked such Beings through art – Huta with her paintings, Sunil with his music, Satprem with his prose and others. And somehow it never felt like it was no longer Sri Ganesh, Lord Ganesha: rather, it felt as if Sri Ganesh, being one with the Origin, was also necessarily one with the future of this manifestation and with all the stages of evolution as they would unfold. It was therefore an experience more akin to unveiling, uncovering, revealing what is already there in essence or in potential, awaiting for the time to express itself.

* 9-11

Sri Ganesh, Your beauty is sovereign, A Fire of Nectar, The depths and Riches Of Light, Living Light, Advancing and reaching – Your beauty is sovereign, Emanating The deep glory

Of Matter divine, A tender Blaze… Aum. (11-10-08)


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