Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh
Everywhere – Sublime is your dance, Sri Ganesh, And yet accessible
And near... (05-07-13)
* 3-66
Even immobile and massive You seem to be In flight – And thus you show That each of the elements Is a mode of being Enriching and complementing
The others – And that each Can be Each of the others... Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate (07-08-13)
* 3-67
Mahaganapati You appear today as if Fully equipped, The chosen representative Of all the great Gods Who are concerned with the earth – The Richness and Dignity Of your stance, The unified array of strengths
You summon For your act, Are a direct form Of Teaching... Wondrous Ganesha Aum (30-08-13)
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