Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh
Sri Ganesh, The Beauty of the Inner Worlds Emerging into the Physical…
Sri Ganesh is himself like a Griha, a radiant planet, emanating, contained, and constant – Nityam…
Abundance of Psychic Riches in Life – Sri Ganesh
Satyam Ritam Brihat Ganapati Blanc d’Ivoire, Rouge Cramoisi, Roses d’Amour.
Ivory White, Crimson Red, Roses of Love…
Sri Ganesh The Blissful and Loving Pilgrim Of the Mother.
Sri Ganesh Aum Namo Bhagavate Take me to Thy Delight Thy Cause and Thy Aim
Sri Ganesh is so great, so majestic and vibrant and rich – and there are days yet when I get confused in the middle, mid-way: not centered enough to reach for the Lord, for That…
Sri Ganesh is here The True Soul of Life in Matter. His Riches and Collaboration are Essential for the Transformation…
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