Saluting and invoking Sri Ganesh
* 3-45
Sri Ganesh today you appear Dressed and adorned With great care and expression, And every raiment and every ornament You wear Is the fruit of the energies’ Dedicated labor And also Their fulfillment – Thus, sumptuously attired, You step out From the occult place And your very step Is a burst Of creative harmony, Vast and detailed and complete, The deep wave that carries To this shore The rhythms and sounds And movements Of progressive Manifest Plenitude –
That plenitude of which The prosperity men seek Is but a glimmer... Sri Ganesh, your tender Majesty Is your constant Teaching To all… (01-02-11)
* 3-46
Sri Ganesh, Prince of Knowledge and Prosperity, The Great One’s very own, Wondrous is your dance And your raiment is ablaze
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